This is what Snowvisual 4.0, the fully automatic control software from DEMACLENKO, stands for. Thanks to continuous optimization, it is a unique tool of snow and slope management in ski and winter sports areas.


Thanks to Snowvisual 4.0, all relevant data and components of the snowmaking system are accessible via a single and intuitive platform and provide detailed reports and statistics for the optimization of snowmaking processes. The software guarantees maximum compatibility and bundles all elements relevant for snowmaking into a single powerful and compact system. Snowvisual 4.0’s sophisticated resource management regulates and prioritizes the efficient use of water, air and energy, so that no raw materials are wasted and operating costs are reduced at the same time.


Thanks to Snowvisual 4.0’s integrated resource management, the best possible results can be achieved with maximum efficiency, because the use of energy, water and air is optimally regulated and monitored:

As part of the water management, for example, the software verifies how much water is effectively available for snowmaking before activating the snowmaking system. As a result, the capacity of the pump station and the number of snow guns to be put into operation are automatically adapted, allowing the system to work as efficiently as possible.

Further new potential for optimization are being opened up by power management, which monitors and prioritizes the consumption of the snowmaking system. Measures for smoothing power consumption help to reduce short-term power peaks, thereby saving costs and energy.

After snow production has been completed, SNOWVISUAL 4.0 provides detailed reports and analyses on the snowmaking operation and stores valuable data about wet bulb temperatures, weather conditions, water temperature, snow quantity etc. On the basis of the records, the development and results can be precisely traced and evaluated. These statistics are crucial for planning the next season and form the basis for further cost savings and efficiency increases of the snowmaking system.

Whether the snow depth measurement of the snow groomers or the Meteo APP of the Resort Management Skadii – Snowvisual 4.0 can also be coupled with other applications via interfaces to achieve even better snowmaking results.